The Eastside Neighborhood Advisory Council of Tacoma (ENACT) is an independent non-profit organization that seeks to inform, engage and connect community in a way that builds a stronger, safer and more compassionate place to live. ENACT receives funding from the City of Tacoma as well as various grants to help community members navigate issues successfully in coordination with City of Tacoma staff. Eastside Neighborhood Council serves as a volunteer advisory board to the City Council and various City of Tacoma department leadership with a mission of supporting a direct voice from East Tacoma community members directly to city government. Our goal is to lift your voice to implement your ideas and solve issues.
The Eastside Neighborhood Council hosts a monthly community meeting every 3rd Monday open to everyone via Zoom meeting until it is safe to meet in person. Our meetings feature presentations that keep us all up to date on important changes in our community. We also hear monthly reports from: The City Managers Office, Tacoma Police, Tacoma Fire, Tacoma Schools, The Puyallup Tribe, Metro Parks Tacoma, Pierce Transit, Tacoma Public Utilities, Pierce County Council representatives, City Council representatives, and Impact Schools. We also provide a community forum that is an open platform for all who attend to ask questions, make announcements and raise important issues with direct feedback. Attending meetings ensures you will have open communication with city departments and the ability to continue a conversation privately to address matters.
For community members looking to get involved and make an impact, our action committees are open to everyone and are a great place to help us shape the work we will do and the partnerships we foster. ENACT works alongside other East Tacoma neighborhood groups, schools, businesses, non-profit organizations and the city of Tacoma, to improve our community through the following programs: Depave projects, graffiti removal and cover-up, community cleanups, mural installations, the Litter 253 project, Adopt-A-Spot applications, City of Tacoma trash bags, speed trailer set up(speed reduction), Vison Zero, and much more.
The Eastside Neighborhood Council of Tacoma acknowledges that we are on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup Tribe. The Puyallup people have lived on and stewarded these lands since the beginning of time, and continue to do so today. We recognize that this land acknowledgement is one small step toward true allyship and we commit to uplifting the voices, experiences, and histories of the Indigenous people of this land and beyond. The goal of ENACT is to partner and support Puyallup Tribal missions and projects throughout East Tacoma and beyond. We are proud to share stewardship duties on the land of the Puyallup people and we treasure the opportunity to work together in every moment.